Supercross series is a race held in a stadium on a dirt track having hairpin turns and high technical jumps. It consists of two classes which is 250 lites and 450 supercross. They have two heats for each class. The first race of this year was held January 9th, 2010 in Anaheim, California where the defending champ James Stewart battled with Ryan Dungey a rookie to win round one in 450 class.
Motocross is an outdoor track with high speeds and high technical jumps, which is held in the summer.
Grand National Cross Country (GNCC) series is the toughest off-road series in the world. It is held across the United States. The toughest track would be Snowshoe, West Virginia. You experience rocks, boulders, mud, and roots. The GNCC is the head series over woods racing. Both supercross and GNCC are televised.
The District 11/ama series is in the woods that is like the GNCC, but is not as big. Most local riders ride them because they are all in Ohio. It is competitive and has many race tracks to race at. There is usually a race every weekend unlike the GNCC or Extreme Dirt series.
Extreme Dirt series is an outlaw series that is off-road. The races are in West Virginia and Ohio. They have some of the toughest tracks and competitors. It is the cheapest series to race in with registration fees.
The series‘s above have classes for everyone and is broke down by the motorcycle and the age of the rider. Also, these series’ have a class for four wheelers and same everything is the same as the motorcycles as the classes go.
The Endero series is also across the United States and is different from GNCC and Extreme Dirt series. You have to have your motorcycle license and your bike has to be street legal. During a race you are timed through the woods and once you get to the road you have to follow the law. Riding in the woods is the only way to get points and be timed to compete in the Endero series.
Dual Sports is like the Endero, but you just go out and ride. It is not timed nor do you get points and is not a race. Most of the old riders ride the Dual Sport series, but some racers ride them for practice.
Kawabusa 3 Turbo Edition for Sale
10 months ago
Hey, this is cool I love bike's their awsome. I have an old 1961 Honda Dream that I’m trying to restore. Hope to get it running soon, nice thing is it only has 1,400 miles. Anyway I watch the GNCC from time to time, for some of those tracks are CRAZY. I really like the off-road style of racing anything. So really good luck with all of your races i'll be cheering you on. I also didn't know there were that many types of bike racing because you only get to see a few on TV so your out of the loop
Hey man thats cool that you ride and race. My father used to race motorcycles and I tried but I'm not to hot at it. I prefer quads because there is a less chance of me falling over or off. I would of never guessed that you raced, that is a nice new fact that I have learn about you and this is now my second quarter with english with you! I want to get a crotch rocket soon but only when i get the extra money! Do you ride those too or just dirt bikes? If so when i get one lets ride together!
That's cool that you race, I probably never would have learned this if it wasn't for this blog. I've always been interested in trying to learn how to ride, but I feel it wouldn't be something I could learn and be good at haha. A friend of mine rides and i've been to a few of his races and realized how challenging it can be. I've watched a few of races on t.v., and I think you should keep and up so I can see you on there someday haha.
You've got a lot of information here, which is great, but I'm unclear on the context. You need at least an introductory paragraph that sets the stage for your readers: why are your bringing this information up? How is it organized? What do you hope we would learn from it all?
If you are writing a detailed list (as this appears to be) I might suggest writing each new item after a bullet point in the future.
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